(03) 9909 9905

Back Pain


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Lower Back Pain - What Is The Point Of A Diagnosis Without A Solution?

Lower Back Pain - What Is The Point Of A Diagnosis Without A Solution?

Effective lower back pain treatment leads to what chronic back pain sufferers really want.. And that is a permanent end to their wretched back pain.

So much time, effort and money is wasted by health professionals desperately searching for the deadly accurate diagnosis of what is causing the patient's back pain.

MRI scans, x-rays, CT scans…..

Manual tests carried out by lower back pain specialists, surgeons and practitioners….

Large complicated words, explanations and reasons for why the patient has the condition yet still no lower back pain treatment.

This is the story and the words of frustration that thousands, literally thousands of chronic lower back pain patients have spoken of during their initial consult at our clinic. They are sick and tired of going from lower back pain specialist to specialist, doctor to doctor only to walk away with a diagnosis and reason for their lower back pain that almost always contradicts the doctor before them. 

At Back Solutions Clinic we too offer a diagnosis and remedial massage in Richmond … however this is just the beginning of the process.

If you are looking for a lower back pain treatment that will eradicate all of your pain and strengthen your body so your lower back pain never returns then look no further.

We have an extremely unique approach to chronic pain and the good news for you is that our unique lower back pain treatment offers the most predictability and certainty when it comes to permanently fixing it.   

Our lower back pain treatment was developed by one of our founding practitioners after he suffered from chronic debilitating pain for 4 years. After seeing over 67 so called lower back pain specialists, physiotherapists, sports doctors it was only the unique approach that he developed that provided any lasting relief.

Since 2001 our unique lower back pain treatment has helped well over ten thousand chronic back pain patients overcome what they were constantly told was a permanent condition that they would have to manage and live with.

For more information on our unique lower back pain treatment and to find out how we can eradicate your back pain and strengthen your body so it never returns, please call us today on 9909 9905.    


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Back Pain

Level 1 / 184 Bridge Rd
(03) 9909 9905


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